Tuesday, October 4, 2016

10. F sharp ( Gb ) and Come A-Riding in the Morning

This is the fingering for F sharp (Gb).

This is the photo. Note that the thumb hole is not closed. The LH1 closes hole 1 and LH2 closes LH2.

This is the song to practice the new F#. It is called "Come A-Riding in the Morning"

Sunday, October 2, 2016

9. Eb, Low F and Are You Sleeping

Below are the fingerings for Eb (D#) and Low F.

This is the photo for fingering Eb (D#). The left thumb completely covers the thumb hole. The LH1 covers hole1, LH3 covers hole 3.  RH1 covers hole 4.

Next, is the photo for fingering the low F. Note that all holes are covered. That includes the RH4 (pinky) covering hole 7 completely. The left thumb covers the thumb hole completely. Blow gently with low air pressure to get the F note to sound.

Below is the song "Are You Sleeping" for practising the Eb and F notes.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

8. Bb and Oh, Susanna

This is the fingering for Bb ( or A#)

This is the photo of the fingering.  Notice the red arrows of the right hand.  The RH1 closes hole 4, RH3 closes hole 6 and RH4 (pinky) closes hole 7.  For the left hand, LH1,LH2 and LH3 closes holes 1, 2, 3 and left-thumb closes thumb hole completely.

This is the practice song that incorporates the new note Bb. It is called Oh, Susanna.

Friday, September 30, 2016

7. High A and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

Below is the fingering for high A. Note that the thumb hole is about 3/4 or more, closed by the fingernail of the  left thumb.
Use the fingernail to close the thumb hole about 3/4 or more.

This is the song for practising the new high A. It is called Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

6. Note high G and She'll be Coming Round the Mountain

Below is the fingering chart for the note high G. Do not confuse with the low G. Note that the thumb hole is open.

This is the song to practise the new new note G. It is called She'll be Coming Round the Mountain.

5. Note F and If You're Happy

Below is the fingering chart for note F

And here is a practice song that makes use of the new note F, it is called If You're Happy

Monday, September 26, 2016

Saturday, September 24, 2016

3. Learning the notes E, D, C

Below is the fingering for the notes E, D, C.  It uses only the first three fingers of the left hand and the left thumb.  I am using the Yamaha Alto Recorder YRA-314BIII

Below is the music sheet for the song Mary Had a Little Lamb. This song allows you to practice the notes E, D and C.

Friday, September 23, 2016

2. Blowing into the recorder and doing articulation

Below is how to hold the recorder to make the first note E on the Yamaha Alto Recorder YRA-314BIII

A : The first finger of the left hand closes hole 1

B : The left thumb fully closes the thumb hole

C : Only the tip of the  mouthpiece ( beak ) touches the lips. Do not put the mouthpiece into the mouth

Try to shape the mouth to silently make the sound  "TU" and blow into the recorder, but do not voice the sound. Do not make the TU syllable explosive. Make it gently.

Start every blow with the sound "TU", and continue blowing.

Articulation helps to control the breath and also provides a distinct start to the note.

Do not blow to hard. The alto recorder needs very little air pressure. So relax and blow gently.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

1. Unboxing and Assembling the Yamaha Alto Recorder YRA-314BIII

Below is the Yamaha Alto Recorder YRA-314BIII description.

Next is the bag

Here are the contents of the bag

After removing from the bag

The fully assembled recorder

Note that this is a Baroque fingering recorder. The 4th finger hole is smaller than the 5th hole. If your recorder's 5th finger hole is smaller than the 4th hole, then you have a German fingering recorder. In this series of videos, I will be using the Baroque fingering recorder. The Baroque fingering is also known as English fingering.

Another way to identify the fingering type is form the model name, in this case the model name has a 'B', i.e. YRA-314B III, the B denotes Baroque fingering.